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A passionate about creating interactive applications and experiences on the web.


I design and build modern user interface components to enhance application performance using modern React and ES6 Javasript.

+(994) 70 602 39 30

Baku, Azerbaijan

Available for remote / freelance jobs

Although I hold both bachelor (Azerbaijan State Oil Academy) and master degree (University of Aberdeen) in Petroleum Engineering, I have decided to change my path to be a web developer. Because I am a great self learner, I have managed to learn components of MERN stack in just one year from zero coding experience to the decent level. My strength is being flexible to self learn any new technology by myself and I am highly motivated to work with professionals to learn and add value to them.

Beyond that, I enjoy traveling, playing chess and trying new kinds of cuisine.


Here are the technologies that I work with on a daily basis.


Able to translate UI/UX design to semantic HTML with pixel-perfect CSS using modern features.


Having strong knowledge of modern ES6 features. From rendering an HTML to fetching data from an API end point.


Able to build an application using modern React features, React Router, Context API or Redux while consuming REST API to perform CRUD operations.

Redux / Redux toolkit

Having a good grasp of store, actions, reducers and providers enables me to use Redux for complex state management.


Having a knowledge of File-system Routing mechanism, pre-rendering pages at build time (SSG) and request time (SSR), update pages after build time (ISR), data fetching and API Routes.


Able to create a robust API quickly and at ease using HTTP utility methods and middleware at our disposal.

MongoDB / Mongoose ODM

Able to write MongoDB validation, and using Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model application data.

JS Algorithms & Data Structures

Understanding how to measure the performance of an algorithm using Big-O notation and familiar with several Math, sort and search algorithms. Having good grasp of JS built-in data types and custom data types such as Stack, Queue and Linked List


Gilas main page screenshot


Technologies Used: React, React Router, Styled Components

Gilas is an E-commerce web site enables you rent and buy different items.

  • Utilized javascript to add behavior, user events, and modify the DOM
  • Wrote maintainable and reusable code using the latest ES6 Javascript and React features.
  • Used React Hooks to use state and other React features without writing a class
  • Implemented React Router for navigation
  • Used Styled Components as CSS-in-JS
  • Axios library used for making HTTP requests
  • i18next is used for internationalization
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Gilas main page screenshot

PBU interpreter

Technologies Used: React, React Router, Styled Components, Chart.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose ODM, JWT

PBU interpreter is an online web tool enables you calculate hydrocarbon bearing reservoir properties, such as permeability, skin, average reservoir pressure, wellbore storage.

  • Full stack web application built using MERN stack
  • Context API and useState hook are used to manage the state of the application
  • The graphs is built using Chart.js library and regression library used to get the linear regression
  • Implemented React Router for navigation
  • Used Styled Components as CSS-in-JS
  • Axios library used for making HTTP requests
  • Express.js is used to create a REST API and Mongoose ODM is used to query the database
  • User authentication, password reset is implemented
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Want to get in touch ? I'd love to hear from you. Here's how you can reach me...


Baku, Azerbaijan



+(994) 70 602 39 30